Web and Email Copywriting, Mambu

Mambu is a SaaS banking platform and a leader in composable banking technology. Its team of 300 people is spread across offices in Amsterdam, Berlin, Singapore, London, Iasi, Miami, Sydney, Dresden and Vilnius.

What was needed?

As part of its ongoing content strategy, Mambu needed support with web copy and marketing emails. It sought a copywriting partner capable of detailed research and disseminating industry reports before presenting complex information in engaging and reader-friendly copy.

The results

Nota Bene has worked with Mambu offices in Europe and Asia on both blog and email content.

Our service, turnaround times and quality of work all received praise, giving Mambu’s marketing team the copy it needed to continue to advance the company’s growth.

What they said

“Thank you for summarising the key findings in the report into such a digestible piece!”
